Permanent Cat & Dog Spay and Neuter Clinic


Coco’s has opened a permanent low cost spay and neuter clinic where we employ two full time vets to handle the increasing number of animals served. We remind you that this is not a Veterinary Clinic, we only do spay & neuter services by appointment.

Cat Sterilization

We ask those who are able, to donate a minimum of $400 pesos for the spay/neuter of their cats or kittens. However, if you cannot afford this, any amount of donation is helpful but not compulsory. We are here to help families, pets, and rescued animals in our community.

We also have a TNR (Trap/Neuter/Return) program for feral cats. We sterilize and re-release these TNR cats to give them the chance to have a healthier and happier life.

Dog Sterilization

215657_10151256657686785_942273893_nWe ask those who are able to donate a minimum of $600 pesos for puppies below 10 kilos and for dogs below 20 kilos $700 pesos. For dogs over 20 kilos we ask for 1300 pesos and if they are over 30 kilos $1800 to cover surgical expenses. If you really cannot afford this donation, any amount is helpful and will allow us to continue working for animal welfare.

We have a limited number of free/lower cost (what you can afford to donate) surgeries for dogs, so please don’t take advantage of the free spaces; leave them for those who really need them.

Make an Appointment, it is SIMPLE:

To make an appointment for your pet please email us or call Monday – Friday between 8am and 4pm at 044 984-120-0572

IMPORTANT NOTE: Animals must not eat for 8 hours before surgery.

Copyright 2025 Coco's Animal Welfare